The past Forest Stewardship Plan covers the period from 2016 to 2021. It is comprised of the following documents:
DCF Forest Stewardship Plan, 2016 to 2021 (pdf document)
MoFLNRO Approval Letter, June 16, 2016
Appendix 1, Deciduous Stocking Standards (pdf document)
Appendix 1, Coniferous Stocking Standards
Appendix 2, Map 1 (pdf document, 11 MB) Overview of the DCF area with planned and past logging activities
Appendix 2, Map 2 (pdf document, 11 MB) Bio-geoclimatic regions and Visual Quality Objectives
Appendix 3, Rationale for Mixedwood Stocking Standards (pdf document)
Appendix 5, Broadleaf Damage Criteria (pdf document)
This is a much more detailed plan than the previous FSP, and includes plans for managing deciduous timber stands as deciduous or mixed deciduous/coniferous stands.